Welcome to AF5LL

AF5LL is the website of Amateur Radio Operator Roger Arnold, AF5LL. Primarily it will provide a resource for amateur radio projects, research, tools and tips. If this site is useful to you, great. If not, go somewhere else.

About AF5LL

AF5LL, Roger Arnold, an Amateur Extra as of July 26th, 2013. Roger is a member of the Hopkins County Amateur Radio Club and Rains Amateur Radio Association

KA5HBU was my Novice License in the early 80s. The most dificult part was learning morse code at 5 words per minute. Since novice could only operate using morse code, I quickly started study on my Technician/General class written test. At the time I took the written test in 1985, the Technician and General class written exam were the same test. To upgrade to general I would have needed to increase my morse code speed to 13 wpm.
Well it didn't happen. I passed the written test and was issued N5CAO in 1985. I never did manage the cw increase for General. Most of my ham time was spent going to hamfests, and operating RTTY on 2 meters. In the 80's 2m amateur bands were very active. Having moved and started a new business, Amateur Radio fell by the wayside. My N5CAO license expired in 1995. Since I didn't change my address at the FCC, I received no notice.

A friend of mine, Jerry Wood, KF5TMG mentioned to me in December 2012 he had gotten his Amateur Radio License. I thought that was great, and decided it was high time I got my license back. I got online, and found study guides free. Studying for my Technician Class license which was the last test I passed, I discovered if I pass Technician, I would automatically advance to General since the test was the same in the late 80's. Wow! Extra incentive. I studied for a few weeks, looked online and found only one local ham club that had an up to date web site. That was the Hopkins County Amateur Radio Club I found they did testing every month, and called Ed, K5OLA who was listed on the site as the contact person for testing. I went to the January 2013 meeting in Sulphur Springs, took and passed the test and was "grandfathered" up to General. I also joined the Club. I told Ed later, that the HCARC site was the only Ham Radio site that was current and had up to date information. He thanked me for the information. He was responsible for keeping it up to date.

With a brand new General Class License I dug out some old HF Ham gear. I found my Icom IC-720a HF Rig, Yaesu FC-901 Antenna Tuner, and some other older goodies packed away and in appearantly good condition. I built an end fed 6-40m antenna from plans found on Hawaii Emergency Amateur Radio Club, and electric fence wire. It worked, and I made my first HF SSB contact ever to K4S a Special Event Station in Venice Florida at the Shark Tooth Festival on 4-13-2013 on the 20m band. They are also my first QSL card as a new licensee. The event was hosted by Tamiami Amateur Radio Club. Made my day.

Jim Flanders, W0OOG, my long time friend since the 80s Elmered me, and put up with question after question about antennas, propogation, equipment and a lot more once I got my license. Jim has been a wealth of knowledge. Some of it I didn't comprehend until I was emersed in study for the extra class license. Some of his knowledge is still way over my head. Jim has been a great friend, and essential resource. I really appreciate his patience and efforts. Thanks Jim.

updated 16-Aug-2013