AF5LL Links

I can never remember all the neat site links that I feel like just must be remembered. Thus this page.

Amateur Radio Clubs nearby

Hopkins County Amateur Radio Club in Sulphur Springs, TX is the first local club I joined.
Rains Amateur Radio Association is very much a Twin to HCARC and is Emory. HCARC and RARA commonly have events, "Radio in the Park" day and Field Day Together. Both groups are inclusive and make new hams feel welcome.

Sabine Valley Amateur Radio Association - Greenville, TX
Fannin County Amateur Radio Club - Bonham, TX
Red River Valley Amateur Radio Club - Paris, TX

American Radio Relay League

ARRL is the national organization for amateur radio with a monthly magazine, QST and many member benefits. I joined ARRL shortly after becoming a ham operator.
ARRL North Texas Section - The North Texas Voice of the ARRL
ARRL Gulf Coast Divsion - Represents hams in Texas an Oklahoma


This is a start. More soon.

Updated 08/16/2013